It is so sad, so very sad! And when I think about it I am a mixture of angry, snarky, frustrated, and just want to sit down and cry! What could make me feel like this? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s Red and Blue! That’s what makes me want to slap some people–make that–MANY people on the back of the head. This once great nation is now divided along the lines of color. Not the color of their skin–but the color of their politics. I’m beginning to see the movie The Matrix more as a prophetic statement on our current times than just a movie.

This once mighty nation where people of all sorts lived together, worked together, and rallied together–this nation where people once knew we could disagree with each other but not be enemies–has deteriorated into maps that are colored by either Red or Blue. Then sections of each state are by means of an idiopathic process, are determined to be either Red or Blue. And it seems that right and wrong are determined by which pill, Red or Blue, that one chooses to swallow!

And what infuriates and saddens me the most is when those who “claim” to be Christians join in the cry to choose either Red or Blue. But then this morning I read The Verse of the Day from Bible Gateway. And my focus and perspective changed–for the better. And today, God moved whoever determines the Verse of the Day to make this the passage:

But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.

Philippians chapter 3, verse 20 NLT emphasis mine

See, we aren’t neither Red or Blue–our citizenship is in God’s Kingdom. Listen to me, followers of Jesus: you don’t have to act like a Red or Blue Pill! In fact, you better not act like a Red or Blue pill. There’s a better way to change our culture and lead our nation forward. It’s remembering where our citizenship and loyalty lies: with Jesus and The Kingdom. Here’s what the root word from the Greek translated here as “citizens” means:

And notice that last entry under Outline of Biblical Usage: to conduct one’s self as pledged to some law of life. This law of life isn’t in the Red or Blue pill. It’s found in our relationship with Jesus. Politics leads and ends in frustration and ultimately devastation. But as citizens of God’s Kingdom, following Jesus through thick and thin leads us to goodness, peace, and joy now (Romans chapter 14 verse 17) and ultimately it will lead us to the very throne of God! Now, don’t you think that’s better than swallowing a Red or Blue Pill?

Love God with all your heart. Love others the way Jesus loves you. And make sure all the glory goes to Him!