inmates are running the asylum, Part 2

Yesterday I opened with this blog: inmates are running the asylum, Part 1. (Read it if you haven’t already.) Today is Part 2 and the final installment; that is–unless something else happens to verify my position. Today’s musing are on another attack (and Irony) on The U.S. Constitution, and the foundational freedoms it is designed to protect. It is also another example of inmates running the asylum.

Monday is going to be a unique day. There will be yet another eclipse of the sun. Citing safety concerns, the New York State Department of Corrections ordered a lockdown of all state facilities during the eclipse. Fine and dandy. After all, they are allegedly the ones in charge of the correctional facilities.

Six inmates filed a lawsuit declaring their decision violated their right to practice their religion. (Read the story here!) Are these inmates Pantheists? Deists? Wiccans? Nope on all of these. In fact, one is an avowed atheist! How is not allowing these six inmates to see the eclipse of the sun a violation of their Constitutional Rights? Apparently it is because the New York officials for the Corrections Department worked out an agreement to allow them to see the solar eclipse. (Read about it here)

OK, teachers are frowned upon if they have a Bible on their desk. Prayers before a sporting event is taboo. Small businesses are closed because they refuse to do things that violates their religious convictions. But inmates? It seems they have more access to religious freedom than the average student. Maybe if the Bible was allowed in schools there would be fewer inmates. Just a thought.

Once again we clearly see that it is the inmates (literally) running the asylum. Have you been hearing that sound? It’s the sound of the moral fabric of our nation being ripped apart by those who are only concerned about their views. This once great experiment for a Representative Republic–these United States–is in a downward spiral because of the narrow view of the left. Call me Chicken Little if it makes you feel better. But that won’t change the ruination of this nation. Unless Common Sense starts speaking up. . .

inmates are running the asylum, Part 1

Did you hear about the recent derailment? It was a mess to watch. It was all over the news media. And in some sectors, it was applauded and celebrated. Hard to imagine it–but it happened. The casualties of the derailment are identified as Free Speech, Free Press, and The U.S. Constitution. The scope of the damage it will cause is yet to be seen. In response to this horrific event, Common Sense was quoted to say, “I am deeply concerned about the future of this Representative Democracy, for which so many have sacrificed so much.”

Yep! It seems that once again, the inmates are running the asylum. The derailment I refer to was then recent hiring (and subsequent firing) by NBC of Ronna McDaniel and the response of some of their more visible and alleged employees. I say alleged employees because they dictated to their employer who they could and especially, could not hire.

On the forefront of this assault on Free Speech and The U.S. Constitution, and apparent leader of this insurrection, was Rachel Maddow. Rachel Madrant, excuse me, Maddow, went on a 30 minute uninterrupted diatribe against her employer, Free Speech, and The U.S. Constitution against the ones who sign her paycheck for hiring former Republican National Party chairperson, Ronna McDaniel. It wasn’t long at all before other notable voices joined in the insurrection. They took control and their employers bowed down and fired Ms. McDaniel. And with that act, the inmates were once again happy as a Lark.

Can you spell I-R-O-N-Y? What’s ironic in this story? Those whose livelihood depends completely upon a free press and free speech, want to squelch the voices of those who have a different perspective. It appears to those with an ounce of common sense, that Maddow and her fellow gangsters, want to control what is said and reported. I know that Rachel Mad-Rant said it was because of the 2020 election debacle and the (Constitutionally Guaranteed Right) acts of Ms. McDaniel’s. However, wasn’t their message and actions the same in the 2016 election? That the Republicans stole the election from Ms. Clinton? Slice it anyway you want–color it whatever color you desire–color inside the lines or outside the lines–this is Irony!

To limit the voices–to decry and suppress any perspective other than their own–is a most dangerous path to journey. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. But folks, this nation is about to be destroyed–not by outside forces–but from within. Please hear what I am about to say. I’m NOT saying the left are Nazis–because they aren’t. But, I must ask the question: What’s the difference between the Nazis suppression of free speech and free press in the 1930s and the recent screed of the alleged employees of NBC? Why did Hitler want to suppress different perspectives? Because those perspectives were considered a danger to his power and authority.

We simply cannot silence the voices of others simply because we disagree with them. Many of those on the left accuse those different perspectives of being bigoted, mean, hateful, bullying, Saying it’s so–doesn’t make it so. Folks, this once great nation is headed to it’s death–unless we stop allowing the inmates to run the asylum. My next edition will cite another example of inmates running the asylum.


Am I crazy??? Don’t you dare answer my question! Maybe I can blame it on my Varenicline. But probably not. But this morning I started thinking about the old movie Rudolph And The Island Of Misfit Toys! You don’t have to tell me that it’s not the Christmas Season; and you don’t need to remind me that we’re just a couple of weeks out from Easter. I know both facts. But. . .here I sit thinking about The Island Of Misfit Toys. Why? Why? Why?

Then it hit me! What hit me? That I need to just be normal? Heaven’s NO!!! I’ve seen normal–even tried it once–and I want no part of normal! (If you want to insult me, then call me normal!) What The Spirit added to His previous input to my thinking about The Island Of Misfit Toys is The Church! What does that Christmas movie have to do with The Church? Well, I’ll tell you!

Some churches operate like Madison Street advertising firms. One of the first things advertising execs want to know is this: What’s your target audience? In other words, “Who is your product or service designed for?” Medicare Part C Plans aren’t for 20 somethings. Skateboards aren’t for 80 somethings. Makeup isn’t for men (unless they are stupid). Who are you wanting to reach? That’s Madison Avenue’s question.

Some churches follow this model. Some want to be a church of doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. Some want to be a church of the upper middle class. Some want to be known as the church for young families with kids and teenagers. Some want to be a church for the tech-savvy crowd. And so they design their programs to reach a specific group of folks.

But what about the folks who do not fit into any of those target audiences? They aren’t “professionals, upper middle class, families with kids, nor tech-savvy”. So, I guess they would fit into the category of Misfit Toys. Remember what they said to Rudolph and his crew they reached the Island? Welcome to the Island Of Misfit Toys!” In other words, they we misfits, too.

And here is what has become deeply embedded in my thinking this morning. What if I was the pastor, teacher, and preacher for the Church Of Misfit Toys? Here’s the thing: this question excites me! After all, I’m a misfit pastor! I’ve been divorced. I’m fight against addictions. I have a ponytail. I’d rather wear jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat than a suit, tie, and dress shoes. I ride a motorcycle. I’ve been known to hangout with folks who aren’t even Christians. Misfit! Right?

Somehow I think, feel, and even believe that target audiences doesn’t fit into The Kingdom Plan. Whether we admit it or not–all of us are misfits when it comes to The Kingdom of God. Thankfully, very thankfully, I serve a congregation who is open to and embraces the idea that this can be a place for people who do not fit into those aforementioned types of churches. Former convicts, people on probation, senior citizens, those without kids, those not married, those who battle addictions–i.e.–those who do not fit into the model of targeted audiences–are welcomed and embraced at Mt. Vernon Church. And if you fit into one of the many models of targeted audiences–you’re welcome, too!

I leave you with this passage to ponder and meditate upon; and it doesn’t seem to focus upon target audiences.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians chapter 3, verse 28 (NLT)


“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?

Matthew chapter 7, verse 3 (New Living Translation)

I’m back to being a Noticer. This means not only am I looking, but I’m listening as well. Right out of the box, let me say I’m not promoting one over the other as being the best. I’m only Noticing–and reflecting on what I’ve been noticing for quite some time. It’s not a new phenomenon. It’s been around a while. So, buckle your seat belts and avoid noticing the wrong thing.

It’s the church–specifically, local churches. I’m NOT talking about styles of worship. People of certain age, meaning in the vicinity of my age, have and continue to complain about contemporary worship! I once heard a retired fellow preacher once say, “It’s 7-11 songs. 7 words repeated 11 times!” But again, I’m not debating styles of worship. The complaint they have is this: The loud music, the lights, the hype. They don’t want church! They want to be entertained!

And that, my friends, is the pot calling the kettle black! Long before this thing called contemporary worship came into existence, many Tenured Pew Sitters insisted they wanted church to look like and be like they wanted. If the preacher didn’t preach like they wanted–get another one. Changing the order of worship or trying a new hymn was enough to heat up the tar and grab that bag of feathers. They wanted church to be designed for them–what they liked. What made them feel good. And anything classified as church, had to happen inside their building; and under their control!

One generation of church folks accusing the another generation of being consumers of what the church does is the classic meaning of the pot calling the kettle black! WE, the folks who attend any church (regardless of the style of worship), who insist that they are the consumers–thus church should be what appeals to them–have completely missed the point of being the local church.

WE are not the consumers of what the church produces. Folks, we are the producers! That why we were first known as Followers Of The Way. Following means WE are doing something–not consuming something! That’s why we became known as the Body of Christ! Living bodies are for production.

You can be entertained with the ancients hymns, southern gospel songs, or contemporary music. Satan doesn’t care what style of music we sing. He doesn’t care if we have brightly polished brass crosses and candlesticks complete with a 100 year old pulpit, or a fancy light show with big screens complete with an acrylic podium. All he cares about is that we see ourselves as consumers.

Let’s stop being consumers of church. Let us become what we are redeemed, saved, and restored to be–The Salt and The Light. The thing about Salt and Light is that they don’t consume–they produce!



A.I. seems to be the latest rage! Windows Updates, Microsoft Office, and other software companies are offering it–event installing it with their updates, as I recently discovered. Just in case you’ve been hiding in your Armageddon shelter and poked your head up to see what’s happening and don’t know what I’m writing about, I will gladly enlighten you. A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence. You heard me: Artificial Intelligence!

According to http://www.Dictionary.Com there are 2 definitions for that word, Artificial. The first definition is: made by human skill; produced by humans. The second definition (and the one that hits the mark best) is: imitation; simulated; sham. Even here, on our beloved platform WordPress, there’s an icon labeled A.I. Assistant. And as my regular readers have already figured out, A.I. is in the crosshairs of today’s musings. And the object of my ire (definition: intense anger; wrath)

Some my be wondering, “What has A.I. ever done to you?” Nothing! Nothing at all! But I ask a lot of questions. It seems to be in my nature; perhaps even a spiritual gift. Ask those who listen to my preaching and teaching. The question nagging in my thoughts isn’t what has A.I. done to me. The question that needs to be asked is, What IS A.I. doing to our culture, and thus the people? I refer you back to the second paragraph to that “other” definition of artificial: imitation; simulated; sham.

By the very definition, A.I. wants people to give up developing their own intelligence and relinquish that Divine part of God He implanted in us when He created us, to some software program. When the movie Terminator (and its subsequent sequels) was released back on 26 October 1984, it was in the category of Science Fiction. I think we should change that category to Prophetic! A.I. is the latest development in that attempt to remove the Image of God from His image bearers–that’s us people.

I say this because it’s even being woven into the fabric of the church. One website promises its users that they can Empower Your Bible Study with Bible AI Services. (Check it out here, if you are so inclined). Well, well! It seems that the Holy Spirit and centuries of experiences are no longer needed. And for all you pastor-types out there–A.I. can make one of our jobs, preaching, easier–requiring less of our time to prepare a message for the flock. Here’s a screenshot from Google if you doubt me.

Listen to me, fellow pastors! Preaching/Teaching is our most important task. It deserves, even REQUIRES our best efforts and time. It’s not always easy–and there are times it requires us to look hard to the Word that God wants spoken. Heck, even Jeremiah once had to go to a pottery shop to find that word. Our work is important–not the most important–but important nonetheless. Take a moment to read Ephesians chapter 4, verses 11 through 16!

And if A.I. ‘sermons’ aren’t alarming enough, in June of 2023, there was an entire service generated by A.I.–complete with an avatar preacher, music, prayers, and benediction (you can read about it here). The person behind it all is an alleged theologian and philosopher from the University of Vienna by the name of Jonas Simmerlein. His own words were: “I conceived this service — but actually I rather accompanied it, because I would say about 98% comes from the machine.”

If you think that A.I. is harmless–or another great tool to promote the Kingdom of God–all I can say is, You’re Wrong! Plain ol’ wrong! It’s time, folks! It’s time to use that part of God’s image we call “thinking” that is inside all of us. It’s time to stop looking for the easy way! Easy isn’t the way to The Kingdom. If you want easy, then read this!

Pivotal Moment #3:  Making Your Own Way To The Promise Instead Of God’s Way!

(From the current Message Series)

Here we  are Week 3 of 5 in the series:  New Year, New Opportunities, But The Same Old Problems.  The Theme verse for this series is Exodus 13:21-22—The Lord went ahead of them.  He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire.  This allowed them to travel by day or by night.  Pay Careful Attention to Verse 22:  And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people.

Remember we are looking at those Pivotal Moments where they have the opportunity to spiritually grow—if they respond the right way.  In week 1 they didn’t—they chose the end over the beginning.  Last week we learned about Adverbs—God was ready for them—but they weren’t ready for God.  Now, we are ready for another Pivotal Moment.  But before we read about it—let’s think for a bit.

Imagine, if you will, 2 buzzards circling around, looking for something dead.  That’s what buzzards do, you know.  Nothing dead can be found anywhere.  Finally, one says to the other:  “Forget patience!  Let’s go kill something!”  What does my parable have to do with Pivotal Moments? 

What’s your reaction when things come to a standstill?  What are you to do when it seems like—I said Seems Like—that God is nowhere to be seen?  Or maybe you come to a crossroads.  You’re wondering, “Do I go left?  Do I go right?  Do I keep going straight?”  But again—it seems like—God is silent.  What do you do when you’re wondering what to do?  Sounds to me like it’s another ripe Pivotal Moment.  Let’s look at what The Hebrews did when they found themselves in that situation. 

1 When the people saw how long it was taking Moses to come back down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron.  “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us.  We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.”

2 So Aaron said, “Take the gold rings from the ears of your wives and sons and daughters, and bring them to me.”

3 All the people took the gold rings from their ears and brought them to Aaron. 4 Then Aaron took the gold, melted it down, and molded it into the shape of a calf.  When the people saw it, they exclaimed, “O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt!”

5 Aaron saw how excited the people were, so he built an altar in front of the calf.  Then he announced, “Tomorrow will be a festival to the Lord!”

6 The people got up early the next morning to sacrifice burnt offerings and peace offerings.  After this, they celebrated with feasting and drinking, and they indulged in pagan revelry.

Exodus Chapter 32, Verses 1-6 (NLT)

We’ve been following the journey of a people from slavery to The Promise.  And as in every journey, there are those Pivotal Moments—where the outcome could change.  These are the moments where strength of character is found or lost—formed or abandoned. 

Today we find them at Mt. Sinai—the place where Moses had encountered God—where he received his calling—his purpose—and his mission in life.  A lot of things have happened along the way.  That’s all part of being on A Journey.  And as we’ve already seen—they haven’t always responded the right way in those Pivotal Moments.

A lot has happened—a lot of different things.  But one thing hasn’t changed.  Do you remember what that was?  The Pillar!  Always visible day and night.  Always in front leading them.  Of all that changed—THIS never changed!

They are getting closer to The Promise—not there yet—but they are in the vicinity.  Don’t forget that all they’ve known was slavery.  They’ve never been a nation before—and all of that is about change.  But they aren’t going to be an ordinary nation—they are to be the Holy Nation that He will use to bring His Image Bearers back into that relationship with Him.

So before they get there, God wants them to know how holy people are to live.  And since Moses was God’s chosen leader—God wants to meet with Moses so he can let the people know what God expects from them.  Moses lets them know what’s happening and where he’s going.  Ok, they know the where—Mt. Sinai—they know the when—right now—and they know the why—to meet with God who wants them to know things!

What else do they need to know?  Absolutely nothing!  The only thing they don’t know is how long.  Knowing how long is important to us—but—It’s Not Necessary For The Journey!  I wonder how many times Moses heard, “Are we there yet?”  Kids ask that—because they lack the maturity to understand time and distance. But when adults ask that question it’s a sign of immaturity.  And now it’s a different question: “How long is this going to take?”  And when it comes to the ways and means of God—that’s a question of spiritual immaturity.

Instead of waiting for what God wanted—Instead of WAITING for God—They chose to make their own way!  And this is exactly what is happening with is now called Progressive Theology!  People would rather make their own way to God—to The Promise—Instead of listening to God!

Have you ever known people who say they pray?  But even before they pray—they’ve already made up their mind about what God is going to tell them.  They’ve made up their mind about what they are going to hear.  And then they act upon that belief and conviction.  In life people tend to use this thing called Confirmation Bias.

Think about 2 circles.  In one circle are our beliefs, and in the other are the facts—we call that The Truth.  The only thing some people look for from The Truth is anything that fits into their beliefs.  The rest of the Truth Circle is just ignored.  It’s wanting only the things that supports our beliefs and convictions—and ignoring the rest of the truth.

Some want to say that it’s unintentional.  But that’s not true.  It’s a choice—THE Choice—to want our way.  And that’s a costly mistake—one that these people here are about to make.  Some think that the best way to learn from mistakes is to make your own.  Really?  How much sense does that make? 

Here’s a novel idea:  How About Learning From The Mistakes Of Others, Too!  Wouldn’t we make fewer mistakes if we did?  Of course!  Even though The Hebrews are at Mt. Sinai where Moses received his calling, mission, and purpose—and even though they have had The Pillar with them every step of the way—they make 3 mistakes we need to learn from and avoid:

1.  They Ignored What God Had Already Told Them!

Don’t forget what we learned—hopefully learned—from last week.  After they had grumbled, God said in Exodus 15:26—“If you will listen carefully to the voice of The Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, obeying His commands and keeping all His decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I Am The Lord who heals you.”

What had God decreed?  He would lead them to The Promise.  He would give them The Promise.  And now He will heal their brokenness.  That word decrees means to shout out loud!  This wasn’t a secret God was keeping from them.  He shouted it in their hearing.  When you hear something, you can pay attention to it or ignore it.  Well, they chose to ignore it.  They didn’t see Moses—but where was The Pillar?  In front of them!

And God has promised us that He will lead us to The Promise—Give us The Promise—and heal our brokenness.  And this time—He shouted it from The Cross.  Don’t ignore what He said from that Cross—That Sin Is Hideous—That Sin Is Wrong—And The Only Way We Can Be Healed From Our Brokenness Is To Surrender To Him!  Don’t make their Mistake!

2.  They Focused More On Themselves Than The Journey!

I mean—yeah—there were times they wanted to go back.  But now that they are this close—they are ready to move on.  No hesitation here on their part.  It’s going to be different.  No longer slaves but a real nation.  They just wanted to get there.  They weren’t concerned about being ready to be that nation.  They wanted what they wanted.  They didn’t see the value of The Journey—The Only Saw What They Wanted!

And how do you see The Journey where God is doing all the leading and you are doing all of the following?  Wouldn’t it just be better to get The Promise?  How does The Journey help us?  The Journey is where we learn about God—and about ourselves.  The Journey is Teaching Time—Development Time.  We can’t be ready for The Promise unless we take The Journey.  The old heart—the sinful heart—focuses on what it wants.  The New Heart—the one God puts in us—focuses on The Transformation that is happening IN The Journey.  Don’t make their mistake.

3.  They Thought They Could Make It The Rest Of The Way On Their Own!

I mean, the worst is over.  They crossed the Red Sea.  No Egyptian Army chasing them.  Water and food whenever they need it—forget that it was God who provided it.  They’ve faced battle and won.  Some estimate that it would only take 11 more days for them to reach The Promised Land!  That’s pretty close.  But they didn’t want to wait any longer.

They took matters into their own hands.  They made the decision that they were capable of handling those 11 days themselves.  Now, I know they wanted Aaron to make them another god to follow.  But why did they want another God?  Because God wasn’t operating on their terms!  They wanted a god who would do what they wanted.

There are a lot of dangerous things we can say.  Would you like to know one of the most dangerous things we can say?  I’m telling you anyway.  “I was thinking to myself…”  Our thinking is limited.  Did you know that?  Our thinking is limited by time and space—what we understand and what we see.  But get this—God isn’t limited by any of those things.  God isn’t where we turn when we don’t know what else to do—God is where we go to find out what to do!  Their confirmation bias led them to think they could handle it themselves.  Don’t make their mistake!

At last, we arrive at Today’s Big Idea:  When Making A Decision, Always Act On What God Has Already Said!  Don’t look for a new insight.  Don’t wait for that billboard—complete with a flashing arrow sign!  When you don’t know what to do next—just do what God has already said.  And it’s all here in the Bible!

And since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are, Here’s Our Next Step:

Don’t look for new insights–or explore other perspectives. Stay with and in God’s Word–you know–the one called The Bible.


(Part 2 of the current message series)

Welcome to Week 2 of the series:  New Year, New Opportunities, But The Same Old Problems.  The Theme verse for this series is Exodus 13:21-22—The Lord went ahead of them.  He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire.  This allowed them to travel by day or by night.  Pay Careful Attention to Verse 22:  And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people.

Allow me to remind you of a couple things from last week.  First:  The Choices About Our Future Are Influenced By Both Our PastAnd Our PresentAnd Our Future Effects How We Will See Our PastAs Well As Our Present.  Second:  We are looking at the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt—and some of the Pivotal Moments in their journey from Slavery to The Promised Land.  They were given the opportunity to have a brand new start and a brand new future.

Remember that a Pivotal Moment is A Precise Moment When Something Happens That Changes The Outcome.  And The Outcome is determined by how we react and respond.  Now, let’s get to the next Pivotal Moment:

Moment #2:  It’s Time To Grumble!  Exodus 15:22-27 (NLT)

22 Then Moses led the people of Israel away from the Red Sea, and they moved out into the desert of Shur.  They traveled in this desert for three days without finding any water.

23 When they came to the oasis of Marah, the water was too bitter to drink.  So they called the place Marah (which means “bitter”).

24 Then the people complained and turned against Moses.  “What are we going to drink?” they demanded. 25 So Moses cried out to The Lord for help, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood.  Moses threw it into the water, and this made the water good to drink.  It was there at Marah that The Lord set before them the following decree as a standard to test their faithfulness to Him.

26 He said, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of The Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, obeying His commands and keeping all His decrees, then I will not make you suffer any of the diseases I sent on the Egyptians; for I Am The Lord who heals you.”

27 After leaving Marah, the Israelites traveled on to the oasis of Elim, where they found twelve springs and seventy palm trees.  They camped there beside the water.

Exodus Chapter 15, Verses 22-27 (New Living Translation)

Tell you what.  Let’s get Today’s Big Idea out here:  Adverbs Are Important!  Such is the case in today’s passage.  Never thought I would say this—but here goes.  Don’t Overlook That Adverb In This Story!  In fact, the same adverb is used twice.  I mean, what does an adverb have to do with the story?  Well—I’ll tell you—Everything! Maybe it would help if you knew which adverb I’m talking about.  It opens verse 22 and verse 24:  Then!  That’s right—today’s Big Idea and the Word You Need To Remember is Then!  Some of you may be thinking, “Well, Preacherman has officially gone off the deep end and we’ve got video evidence!”  You might want to hold off acting on that thought.

Then is a powerful word here.  It points back to something that happened—while at the same time—It’s Pointing To What Is About To Happen.  What HAD happened?  Really?  You need me to answer this question?  The Red Sea Moment Happened—God delivered them and kept His Promise to them!  And if you go back to the beginning of this chapter, we find them praising God.  That’s the Then that had already happened!  God DeliversThey Praise!Then they move towards The Promise!

Now, 3 days later we have the other Then.  They Complained And Turned Against Moses.  One side of the Then they were moving towards The Promise—on the other side of the Then they were complaining and turning against Moses.  Has this ever happened to you.  One moment you’re singing and praising God—then you find yourself—let’s call it what it is—Grumbling

Look at the definition of this word:  Complaining About Someone Or Something In An Annoyed Way”!  These Hebrews were doing both—complaining about someone and something in an annoying way.  The Someone was God!  OK, technically they directed their grumbling onto Moses.  But what was Moses doing?  Following The Pillar!  The Pillar was always in front of them!  And who was in control of The Pillar?  God, of course!  So, they were Grumbling against God!

The Something was they ran out of water.  OK, OK!  Water is important to us.  And don’t you think God knows that?  He created us—so—Sure He Knows That!  And don’t you think He was prepared for the moment all their water jugs ran out?  Absolutely He was prepared—But They Weren’t Prepared For God! Listen, every—let’s call this what it is—A Drought MomentHas Been Factored In By God And He’s Ready For That MomentAnd He’s Ready For ThemAnd He’s Ready For Us!  God knew the exact moment when it would happen—and the moment He has prepared for them is Something Better Than A Drought!

Listen, when—NOT IF—you are in A Drought MomentGod Is Just As Prepared For Your Moment As He Was For Theirs!  When you feel like you’ve reached the end—when you own water jug is as dry as powdered alum—God Is Ready.  And He Wants Us To Be Ready, Too!

Back to the Hebrews—this is another one of those Pivotal Moments.  Can we all agree on this?  They are out of water—and the only water available is bitter water.  Their story is about to changeThe Pivotal MomentCan They Trust GodThe One Who Delivered Them From SlaveryWho Delivered Them From The Egyptian ArmyWho Made The Way Across The Read SeaBe Trusted In The Drought MomentOr Not?

We know which choice they made.  But what about us?  What’s our choice when the water jugs are empty?  What do we say when it’s drier than dust?  How do we react towards The Droughtand what are we thinking about God?  It Always Dependson how we see it.  Let’s think a little while about Their Drought Moment and our Drought Moments

Understanding the journey—its purpose and its destination—can bring the clarity and calmness that pushes Grumbling out of the way and gives us the perspective that we must have.  Let’s see if we can develop that perspective which will enable us to choose the right response.  There are 3 things that we need to always remember.  Number 1:

1.  The Wilderness Time Is Inevitable!

For the Hebrews to get from Egypt to The Promise—they had to go through the Wilderness.  There was no way around it.  They can’t get to The Promise unless they journey through The Wilderness.  The Wilderness is fertile ground.  Here’s a moment for themOut Of WaterIn The WildernessWhat had they already experienced?

  • They experienced Pharaoh letting them go all because of God’s Work
  • They experienced the Red Sea where the Egyptian Army was catching up with them—but God positioned The Pillar behind them so that the army could not reach them
  • They experienced God parting the Red Sea—where they safely crossed over but that army drowned.
  • Then they had a celebration party

And now in this Pivotal Moment they chose to Grumble!  Being infected and affected by sin—it creates our patterns of thinking and seeing.  And we need to get rid of that old thinking.  The Wilderness is where we get rid of that kind of thinking.  Have you ever considered that The Wilderness And The Drought Moment as being fertile and fruitful?    An opportunity to grow in trust?  It’s hard to see when we’re thirsty—that there can be growth and blessing.  But this is exactly what happens in The Wilderness when we trust God in that Drought Moment. Number 2:

2.  We Can Grumble In The Wilderness—Or Not!

When it got hard—they had a choice.  Unfortunately, their choice was to Grumble—to complain about their situation—and to complain against God.  Now, when our times get hard—can we agree that our times do get hard?  What do we do?  We use words!  Am I right?  Why, God?  Why me?  What’s next?  Why can’t I get a break?  Why is life always against me?  Yep!  Those are the words we can use—and these are the words most often used.  Look again at the name of the place where they GrumbledMarahWhich Means Bitterness.  The bitterness wasn’t just in the water.  It Was In Them.  Last week I said they were operating out of a slavery mentality.  Now they are operating out of a Bitterness Mentality!

But there are other words we could use.  Would you like to know what they are?  They are words of Prayer!  Don’t use your words to complain—use your words to Pray!  Grumbling is turning your words against others—and God.  Praying is turning your heart and your words toward God!  Prayer isn’t negotiating with God—it’s bringing your will to Him and making it align with God’s Will.  Number 3:

3.  But The Miracle Is In The Challenge!

OK, right now look at Verse 27—After leaving Marah, the Israelites traveled on to the oasis of Elim, where they found twelve springs and seventy palm trees.  They camped there beside the water.  OK, now they have great surroundings and good water.  Everything is wonderful!  Now, some will talk about the 12 springs representing the 12 tribes.  The Number 70 comes from multiplying 7—the number of perfection—by 10—the number of completeness. 

Makes for interesting discussions.  But do you know what?  There’s no miracle at Elim.  It’s a lot of trees and a lot of water—but no miracle.  The Miracle Happened At Marah!  It was at Marah where everything was changed—and changed for the better!  Bitter Became Better!  Ever heard the expression that “You can get bitter or be better—your choice!”?  God revealed He was ready for what they needed when they needed it most!

Did you notice what changed the water from bitter to good?  A Piece Of Wood!  I sat at my desk thinking about just that.  Just a piece of wood changed it all.  And do you know what I thought about next?  The CrossA Piece Of Wood Changed Everything In My Life!  The Cross was bitter for Jesus—bitter because it was my sins—and your sins—that put Him there on that piece of wood! In that moment of His Death, He transformed my bitterness—and gave to ME—of all people—The Water Of Life!  And since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are—Here’s Our Next Step:

Give Up Any Bitterness!

Are you bitter with someone?  Are you bitter because of something? You can have The Marah Life—OR—You Have Kingdom Life!  But you can’t have both.


(Message 1 in this series)

The Choices About Our Future Are Influenced By Both Our Past—And Our Present.  And Our Future Effects How We Will See Our Past, As Well As Our Present.  Do you agree?  If you don’t—please think about it this week!  Maybe you will change your mind.

We’re going to be looking at the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt—well, a selection of some of the Pivotal Moments in their journey from Slavery to The Promised Land.  They were given the opportunity to have a brand new start and a brand new future.  The future that was in front of them was unlike anything they had ever known or experienced. It was so—what’s the word?  Enormous?  It was so Amazing and Marvelous, that they would not be able to achieve it by themselves.  But nonetheless, they were guaranteed by God Himself that it would happen. 

Now they set out to a new future—and each moment of that journey in front of them—will be filled with opportunities—and it will also be filled with choices—and the resulting Key Decisions.  At each Pivotal Moment, the decisions they face in each opportunity would either lead them into that New Future—OR—it would lead them back to their old life.  And thus—miss what God had in store for them. In this series we are not going to be able to hit all of those moments—but we will touch on some of them.  And the ones that we look at will always be about going forward into new opportunities or do we go back to the same old same old life.

The Theme verse for this series is Exodus 13:21-22.

The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire.  This allowed them to travel by day or by night.   And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people. 

(from the New Living Translation)

This is a key point here.  The pillar of fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day.  Get locked into verse 22—And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people. 

Hang on to this thought:  Every Moment Of Every Day Will Be Influenced By The Present, The Past, And The Future. The degree to which the present, past, and future influences our choices depends on how we see them—past, present, and future.  We choose how each of them influences our choices—and forms our decisions.  Now, they don’t have the same power level in a particular moment—but they still come into play.  It will be for our good if we let them—but sometimes they will try to harm us if we let them.

The First Moment we are going to look at is found in  Exodus 14:5-12 (NLT).  Before I read it, let’s do a fast review of what had happened.  Moses showed up with The Promise—that they would be freed from slavery and have a land of their own.  The Pharaoh disagreed.  And it took 10 Plagues before The Pharaoh would agree.  So, he gave them their freedom.  Now, let’s pick up the story:

5 When word reached the king of Egypt that the Israelites had fled, Pharaoh and his officials changed their minds.  “What have we done, letting all those Israelite slaves get away?” they asked. 6 So Pharaoh harnessed his chariot and called up his troops. 7 He took with him 600 of Egypt’s best chariots, along with the rest of the chariots of Egypt, each with its commander. 8 The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, so he chased after the people of Israel, who had left with fists raised in defiance. 9 The Egyptians chased after them with all the forces in Pharaoh’s army—all his horses and chariots, his charioteers, and his troops.  The Egyptians caught up with the people of Israel as they were camped beside the shore near Pi-hahiroth, across from Baal-zephon.

10 As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them.  They cried out to the Lord, 11 and they said to Moses, “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness?  Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt?  What have you done to us?  Why did you make us leave Egypt? 12 Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt?  We said, ‘Leave us alone!  Let us be slaves to the Egyptians.  It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’


Here’s one of those Pivotal Moments for The Hebrews.  You know what a Pivotal Moment is—It’s A Precise Moment When Something Happens That Determines The Outcome.  And the failure to recognize and respond to them the right way spells eventual disaster and disappointment.

Here they did not even think about going back—it was here where they thought it was all over.  It was here where they saw absolutely no future.  No future in God’s land of promise—nor even a future in slavery.  This is a place not of exasperation—not even desperation—This Is The Place Of Resignation.

What caused them to give up—resign and walk away?  They Were Living In Doubt!  Doubt is what causes people to give up!  And here is Today’s Big Idea:  Doubt Is Always A Choice.  Why did these Hebrews Doubt?  Remember that these folks are doubting in the light of Exodus 13:22—And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people.  What in the world could have gotten into them?  Well—the world got into them, that’s what!  What caused them to Doubt?  They were thinking with a slavery mentality.  There are two things that caused them to Doubt:

And what they saw in front of them was the Red Sea.  They could not see a way through.  They Chose To See Only One Thing—The Red Sea!  And When They Chose To See The Red Sea—They Began To See Things That Were Not There!  And you know what they didn’t see?  A Bridge wasn’t there.  Boats weren’t there.  How else were they going to cross without a bridge or boats?

Do you know what else was in front of them?  The Pillar!  The Pillar was their past, present AND their future.  It had been with them every step of the way.  It would guide them the rest of the way.  And in that moment—they chose to ignore the past—Which Held Both The Promise AND The Pillar—And because of that, they chose to ignore The Future—which was led by The Pillar and held The Promise.

They looked behind them because they thought there was no way through what was in front of them.  And when they looked back—they choose to see The Egyptian Army.  They looked behind them—and they chose to see ONLY that Egyptian Army.  When They Didn’t Pay Attention To What Else Was In Front—The Pillar—Then All They Could See Behind Them Was The Egyptian Army.

If they chose to ignore The Pillar when it was right there in front of them—Then Why Would They Think About It Then?  What had The Pillar been doing ever since they left Egypt?  It had been leading them.  But their confidence in the power of The Egyptian Army that was behind them was greater than their confidence in The Pillar that was right there in front of them.  And because they couldn’t see what was right there in front of them—all they could see was The Egyptian Army that was right behind them.

Now, Let’s Bring All This Home—To Us—Here On December 31—New Year’s Eve 2023.  At the strike of midnight it will be 2024.  More than changing calendars it’s Astronomy’s way of reminding us that the direction and outcome of our lives can be different. Tomorrow we are going to acknowledge that we have another year.  This year will be full of opportunities—and those opportunities can open the door for us to a Brand New Future.  Now, you need to think about 2024 like this:

  • That’s 366 Days (Leap Year!)
  • That’s 8,784 Hours
  • That’s 527,040 Minutes
  • That’s 31,622,400 Seconds

And just like it was with them—we are going to face Pivotal Moments—And Our Decisions In These Pivotal Moments Will Forge Our Future.  Our current moments are not all that different from this one we looked at today.  So let’s make it personal:

There’s always something in front of us.  And in this world, it’s like Andy Andrews says:  We are either in a crisis—coming out of a crisis—or heading towards a crisis.  This cycle keeps on repeating itself over and over.  This is the nature of this world—and we can’t escape it, no matter how hard we try.

There will always be hurt—fear—despair—uncertainty—in front of us.  It may be health issues, family issues, financial issues—or just issues.  They are in front of us.  But that’s not all.  The Pillar Is Also In Front Of Us!  And remember what The Pillar is doing—it’s leading us.  You get to choose what you see in front of you.

Everybody has a past.  And our past is a mixture of good and bad—failure and victory—confidence and fear.  And the thing about our past is that it can help us or hurt us—Depending On How We See It!  People still let what’s behind them—their past—the bad part of their past—to feed and fuel their doubt about the Present and The Future!

You get to choose how your past affects you now—and how it shapes your future.  We all have a past filled with regrets and failures.  But we also have a past where God’s Grace has been right there, too!  You get to choose how you see your past!

Let’s go back to something I said earlier:  Every Moment Of Every Day Will Be Influenced By The Present, The Past, And The Future.  The Degree To Which The Present, Past, And Future Influences Our Choices Depends On How We See Them.  How we see our past and present shapes how we see our future.  And how we see our future affects how we see our past and present.

Your personal future can be filled with hope and promise of life becoming better.  Or your personal future can be filled with more of the same old-same old.  Just remember that The Pillar in front of you helps you overcome your past—and how you see the present.  And you—ONLY You—determine if you see The Pillar—or not.

Since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are, Here’s Our Next Step:


(Part 4 of the Advent Series)

Here we finally are at Christmas Eve—and if you’re into this sort of thing—the fourth and final Sunday of Advent.  Maybe you already know that Advent comes from a Latin word that means Coming.  In Greek the word is Parousia—And It Means “Coming” Or “Arrival”.  For us as followers of Jesus—it’s about the First Coming—as well as His Second Coming.  But did you know that Parousia also means—A Being Present?  It’s like saying Present And Accounted For! 

Now, let me tie all my opening thoughts together with this series:  What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  For many, today marks The Beginning Of The End.  The end of buying presents and wrapping them.  The end of attending parties and family gatherings—with people you may not even like.  The end of pretending to like presents you really don’t like.  Just one more day—and it’s all over!  And unfortunately—for these people—It Will Be Over.

And The Big Deal isn’t what just happened.  The Big Deal Is That It’s Finally Over—well—at least till the credit card bills start arriving in January.  Regardless of what anyone else thinks—I am convinced that this season is a really Big Deal!  And I’m sharing with you 4 Reasons why it’s a Big Deal. 

Week 1 we learned that It’s A Big Deal Because Hope Comes To Us And Finds Us Wherever We May Be!  Week 2 we learned that Peace Happens As We Open Up To It—By Allowing Jesus To Breathe On Us With The Holy Spirit.  Last Week we found that It’s Big Deal Because The Joy Is A Big Deal—And That Joy Is Much More Than Happiness!  Now the last reason:

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  Christmas Is A Big Deal Because The Love Is A Big Deal!  1 Corinthians 13

1 If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.

4 Love is patient and kind.  Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude.  It does not demand its own way.  It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless.  But love will last forever! 9 Now our knowledge is partial and incomplete, and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture! 10 But when the time of perfection comes, these partial things will become useless.

11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child.  But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.  All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.

13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

From the New Living Translation

Last week I ‘fessed up that I tried to come up with a different Big Idea.  But this week has been different.  I believe it’s because I believe that this season of the year is a Very Big Deal!  And there was no problem on my end with both The Passage and The Very Big Idea For Today, which is:  The Love Matters!

Big ideas don’t always need big words nor do they need a lot of words.  Big words and lots of words often hide The Timeless Truth.  Jesus—becoming our flesh and remaining Completely Divine—is A Big Deal Because He Did That All Because He Loves Us.

And bless Paul’s heart—the heart that was once about all of the rules—finally came to understand God’s Love wasn’t in those rules.  It Was His Heart!  God’s Love Isn’t Performance Based Love—It’s His Character.  Paul’s words here are not describing a romantic love.  It’s not about love between family nor friends.  These Are The Words About The Character Of God’s Love—And It’s The Love We Receive From God—And The Love We Grow Into By Loving Others The Exact Way He Loves Us! It’s not our natural response—to God—nor towards others.  So Paul lays out 3 Principles About Loving As God Loves Us.  Principle #1:

I bet your ears perked up on that statement.  I mean, doesn’t love have to be expressed in actions?  Isn’t that one of the major problems we have in 21st Century Christianity?  That too many have replaced actions with words?  I agree that’s a problem—a VERY BIG Problem.  But just because we do certain actions—doesn’t mean that it’s Love—God’s Love. 

There’s a word in Paul’s opening lines here.  Did you notice it?  It’s a BIG Word—I mean a VERY, VERY BIG WORD!  It only has 2 letters—and opens this paragraph from Paul.  IF!  If what?  IF he could speak every language on earth and in heaven—IF he could preach the best—IF he could understand everything about God—IF he had that Mountain-Moving-Faith—IF he gave up all his earthly wealth for the poor—IF he even sacrificed his life for others—without love it would be useless and worthless.  Who wouldn’t want to measure their life that these kinds of accomplishments?  We could do all these things and more—And We Could Do Them Without Love.  This is Principle #1.  Here is Principle #2:

Everybody operates their life out of a WHY.  Your WHY can be a good one—or your WHY can absolutely stink!  We Do What We Do All Because Of Our WHY!  The WHY is our motivation.  Can we get honest with each other?  I mean gut honest?  It’s Just Not Natural To Be Both Patient And Kind.  Our WHY controls our actions and our reactions—and though we may hide it for a time—eventually it gets out!

Listen again to The Why Of Our Life As Followers Of Jesus:  We Are Not Jealous Or Boastful Or Proud Or Rude.  We Don’t Demand Our Own Way.  We Don’t Get Irritated.  And We Freely Forgive.  Love MUST BE the reason for everything we do.  Love Is Always Our Why.  And that’s a Big Deal!  This is Principle #2.  Here’s Principle #3:

No need for me to come up with my own clever idea here.  Paul said it best—and it’s the truth!  Love Never Gives Up!  Never gives up on others.  Never gives up on our culture.  Never gives up in the face of problems.  Never gives up on anything—even Washington D.C.  And it never gives up on ourselves. 

Sometimes It’s Easy To Give Up—On Others And Ourselves.  And sometimes we feel like we’ve reach our Maximum Capacity to show this kind of Love.  We’ve been hurt, ignored, and disappointed so many times that we simply want to walk away from somebody.  And that’s the kind of Love that the World has—And Says We Should Have.  But NOT God!  Jesus didn’t give up then—and He’s not about to give up now!  Why?  Because Love Never Gives Up!  And that’s a Big Deal.

The Love Matters Because People Matter To God—Because YOU Matter To God.  The Love Shown In The Incarnation Tells Each Of Us—That We Are Important To God.

And so Paul share with them and us 284 Words—powerfully descriptive words all about The Impact Of This Kind Of Love.  And in a way that only someone inspired by The Holy Spirit—Paul sums it up those 284 Words with the last 7 words—And The Greatest Of These Is Love.

So you see—the Very Big Idea for today is true—and it always will be:  The Love Matters!  And that makes This Season—The Very First Season On The Christian CalendarA Really Big Deal!  And since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are, Here’s Our Next Step:

More than Show your love for God and others—allow the Love that God loves you with—to be who you are—and who you are all the time.


This is Part 3 of an Advent Series

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  This is our series.  We’re looking at why we should recognize this monumental Mystery—that The Son of God became fully human—and at the same time—He remained Fully Divine.  Regardless of what anyone else thinks—this is a really Big Deal!  And I’m sharing with you 4 Reasons why it’s a Big Deal. 

Week 1 we learned that It’s A Big Deal Because Hope Comes To Us And Finds Us Wherever We May Be!  Last Week we learned that Peace Happens As We Open Up To It.  When I say that Peace Happens, it is the result of something that is occurring—the results of something being produced—not by us—but by Jesus becoming Human.  And this Peace is the result of allowing Jesus to breathe on us The Wind Of The Holy Spirit.  So, here we are at Week 3—and yet another reason why Christmas Is A Big Deal! 

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  Christmas Is A Big Deal Because The Joy Is A Big Deal!  Isaiah 12 (NLT)

Now let’s read today’s passage from Isaiah 12 (NLT)

1 In that day you will sing:  “I will praise you, O Lord!  You were angry with me, but not any more.  Now you comfort me.

2 See, God has come to save me.  I will trust in Him and not be afraid.  The Lord God is my strength and my song; He has given me victory.”

3 With Joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!  4 In that wonderful day you will sing:  “Thank the Lord!  Praise His name!  Tell the nations what He has done.  Let them know how mighty He is! 

5 Sing to the Lord, for He has done wonderful things.  Make known His praise around the world.  6 Let all the people of Jerusalem shout His praise with Joy!  For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.”

Isaiah 12 (NLT)

Let’s get right to Today’s Big Idea:  Happiness And Joy Are Not The Same Thing! I kept trying to find Another Big Idea About Joy.  But this single thought wouldn’t let me go.  Every time I tried to come up with another Big Idea, this one kept harassing me.  It clamped on to me like a dog with a bone—it wasn’t about to let go of me.

Happiness And Joy Are Not The Same Thing.  Now, there’s nothing wrong with being Happy.  In fact, it’s a wonderful feeling.  It pumps us up.  It excites us.  And it’s one of the wonderful emotions that God created in us to experience.  It’s a great emotion.  I mean, who wants to walk around like a Gloomy Gus?

Have you ever looked at people’s faces and it looked like there was overwhelming sadness going on in their life?  Some look like they are the prisoner of the Quadruple D’s—Downcast, Downhearted, Depressed, And Dejected.  They don’t look like they are angry—but it’s the expression of pure and unadulterated sadness.

In a very real sense the opposite of sadness is happiness.  Am I right?  Of course I am!  But then there’s that thought that’s been badgering me.  Happiness Is Not The Same Thing As Joy!  Now, we’re living in a world where people are looking for ways to make them Feel Happy!  They Want—And Expect—That Life—THEIR Life—Is To Be One Constant Happy Experience After Another.

But when Happiness exits stage right—they keep on trying different things just to keep that Feeling Of Happiness.  Personally—I find it—oh, what’s the word?  Outrageous!  Recently McDonald’s has released an Adult Happy Meal—Complete With A Toy—designed by an artist named Kerwin Frost.  6 different toys!  You can get either a Big Mac or 10 piece chicken McNuggets.  According to their website, The Purpose Of The Adult Happy Mean Is To Introduce Fans To “Frost Way”—Where Everyone Is Welcome To Be Exactly Who They Are.  But sometimes—what makes us unhappy is being exactly who we are!

I can understand the children’s Happy Meal—and how it can make them happy.  To get something to eat—to find a toy—it makes them happy!  But an Adult Version?  Complete with a Toy Collection?  Golly, Gee Willikers!  How can this be serious?  What’s this world come to?

Have you ever been happy?  I have!  It’s wonderful, isn’t it!  But what typically happens when that rush of Happiness either goes away or is crushed?  Sadness—Disappointment—Heartbreak—are just a few of the things that takes away that happiness.  And when it takes away that happiness—I won’t call it a let-down—it’s more like a freefall.

When all that euphoria—the adrenaline—is gone, we’re in an emotional and spiritual hangover.  So we look!  We look for The Next Emotional Happy Meal that will make us happy.  And when we find it, it’s off to the races—and everything is good again.  We’re happy again—until something else happens that takes away The Latest Emotional Happy Meal. 

Life becomes like one of those monstrous roller coasters—we’re up then down—up and down—up and down—then twisted every which way.  Little wonder, then, that so many people turn to things like drugs because they don’t want to deal with what happens after the happiness is gone. 

What our world needs to understand—What We—As Disciples And Followers Of Jesus Need To Radiate Out Into Our World And Culture Is That As Good Feeling Happy Is—There Is Something Better—Joy!

I remember from a long time ago someone came up with an easy to remember acronym for Joy—J.O.Y!  Jesus—Others—Yourself.  Make these the top 3 priorities in your life—In That Order—and automatically you come up with Joy!  And it’s not a bad model for life—it’s really not.  It certainly fits the example of Jesus when He was one of us.

But when life happens—really happens—it can feel like Jesus is a long way from us, even though He isn’t.  Others can hurt or disappoint us.  And sometimes we don’t even like ourselves because of some of our choices.  So where does Joy stand out as infinitely better than happiness? 

Joy Doesn’t Depend On An Emotion Or Feeling.  But what exactly is JOY?  Happiness is the result of something that happens outside of us.  Seeing someone we haven’t seen in a long time.  Finding something that had been lost.  But Joy doesn’t depend on the external.  Joy Comes From The Internal. 

What distinguishes Joy From Happiness?  When we can distinguish the difference between happiness and joy—it changes the whole direction and momentum of our lives—how we see life—and how we live each day.

1.  Joy Comes From The Assurance Of God’s Truth!

Like McDonald’s Adult Happy Meal, people and the world promise us happiness.  But there are 2 things about what the world tells you will make you happy.  First, It Doesn’t Last.  Second, because it doesn’t last, It Is Always Changing.  Happiness becomes moving from one thing to the next and then to the next—a never ending ride.  But there is something that never changes—and it’s always reliable and dependable.  And it always builds us up.  God’s Truth!  The Psalmist wrote in Psalms 119:89-91

Your eternal word, O Lord, stands firm in heaven.  Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created.  Your regulations remain true to this day, for everything serves your plans.  If your instructions hadn’t sustained me with Joy, I would have died in my misery.

God’s Word is what sustains us—and that enduring Truth holds us steady—and The Fact We Can Stand On His Truth No Matter What—Fills Us With Joy!  No matter what else—God’s Word Is Right Here For Us!  The Word doesn’t pull us down—it lifts us up—it builds us up!  There’s Joy In God’s Word!

2.  Joy Comes Out Of Our Confidence In God’s Faithfulness!

Has someone ever given up on you?  That’s painful.  Know what’s even more painful than that?  Giving up on yourself.  But God doesn’t give up!  Whatever He starts—He Finishes!  That’s what Paul said in Philippians 1:6

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Things let us down.  People let us down.  But Never God!  The certainty of God’s faithfulness means that our failures do not define us—but the fact He is Persistently Faithful to completely restore His Image in us.  It’s Joy To Know That When Others Give Up On Us—God Doesn’t!  He’s right here continuing that perfect work of Grace in our lives. 

3.  Joy Comes Out Of Our Dependence On God’s Power! 

Happiness is lost when the feeling is gone.  Ever noticed that?  But Joy Isn’t A Feeling.  It’s The Power Of God Living In And At Work In Us.  We don’t have to depend on ourselves or any other person to be Joyful.  As we depend on God’s Power—there’s nothing that can take away our Joy.  When Nehemiah was leading the people in rebuilding Jerusalem—they found a copy of God’s Word—and it broke them.  They saw the mess they were in.  But Nehemiah wouldn’t let them stay down.  He said in Nehemiah 8:10

“Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared.  This is a sacred day before our Lord.  Don’t be dejected and sad, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength!”

God celebrates when we allow Him to live in us—and us live in Him!  When We Live For Him—Surrender Completely To Him—His Joy Over Us Becomes The Strength We Need For Every Moment Of Every Day!  Our Joy Is A Product Of God Living In Us By Means Of The Holy Spirit!  Even when life seems to turn against us—we have Joy because of His Power at work in us.

Don’t you see—That Happiness Is NOT The Same Thing As Joy.  Happiness is like the ocean tides—it comes in and it goes out.  But Joy—It never goes away because it’s always the same!  Since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are:  Here’s Our Next Step:

Choose To Be Joyful!

Happiness is a choice that this, that, or the other is going to make us happy.  Happiness is the quest for the next thing—and the next—and the next—and the next!  Joy isn’t what happens to us or around us. 

Joy is also Your Choice!  It’s The Choice To See All That Is Happening IN Us Because Of That One Name—Emmanuel—God Is With Us.

What are the ways where Joy can grow deeply inside us?  So deep that no external event—no other person—can take it away?

The Assurance Of God’s Truth!

Confidence In God’s Faithfulness!

Dependence On God’s Power!


(Part 2 in an Advent Series)

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  Christmas Is A Big Deal Because Peace Surrounds Us!  John 20:19-22 (NLT)

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  This is our series.  We’re looking at why we should recognize this monumental Mystery—that The Son of God became fully human—and at the same time—He remained Fully Divine.  I can’t speak for you, but for me—this is a really Big Deal!  In this series,  I’m attempting to answer this question with 4 Reasons.  Last week we learned that It’s A Big Deal Because Hope Comes To Us! 

Hope isn’t found inside us—nor is it found through anything that this world can offer us or produce inside us.  Hope Comes To Us Because The Son Became Fully Human.  And the best part is—Hope Finds Us!  Incarnation not only brings Hope to us—but also Peace!  Without Incarnation—There Would Be No Peace—And Peace Is A Big Deal.

What exactly is peace?  The world thinks peace is the absence of conflict—within a nation—between nations—within a business—within families—between political parties.  Oh man, wouldn’t it be great if there could be peace between the Democratic and Republican parties?  Why do they call themselves parties?  There’s no party going on. 

But Peace Is More Than The Absence Of Conflict.  Peace is more than nations and people getting along with each other.  Peace IS That Calmness—That Produces The Assurance That God Is With Us.  Peace is Resting on God, In Jesus—And Jesus in us.  And that HE has the ultimate authority over our lives.

Peace is the confidence in those moments—when we can’t see how something will work out—that God IS providing a way.  Peace Is When We Can’t See How—But We Are Confident God Knows How.  Peace comes from God’s grace—and allowing God to be God—as He is—not how we want Him to be.  Nothing in this world will ever give us lasting and abiding peace.  As human beings we are longing for peace—financial peace—relationship peace—community peace—political peace—international peace. 

When we allow the world to define and establish the meaning of peace we will ultimately and always be disappointed.  And peace will remain some abstract ideal and not a reality in our lives.  Our passage today is about moving peace from the realm of an idea—to a moment by moment reality in us.  Let’s turn to John 20:19-22 (NLT)

19 That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders.  Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them!  “Peace be with you,” He said. 20 As He spoke, he showed them the wounds in His hands and His side.  They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord!  21 Again He said, “Peace be with you.  As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” 22 Then He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.

John 20:19-22 (NLT)

Can I ask you a question?  What were you thinking as I was reading a passage about The Resurrection?  Isn’t this season about Incarnation—Not Resurrection?  Look, it’s OK to read about Resurrection during Advent.  And it’s OK to read about Incarnation on Easter.  Think of it like this:  Incarnation And Resurrection Are The Book Ends Of The Message Of Jesus’ Life. 

You can’t have one without the other.  Am I right?  Of course I am!  Now, you need to ponder this question:  What Is The Opposite Of Peace?  The opposite of peace is uncertainty, chaos, turmoil, fear—and finally the life of resignation—that peace will never happen in us.  Peace isn’t the absence of these things.  Peace Is What Happens Even In Those Things. 

And here’s Today’s Big Idea:  Peace Happens As We Open Up To It.  When I say that Peace Happens, it is the result of something that is occurring—the results of something being produced—not by us—but by other means.  Let me try to explain it like this.

Think about electricity.  How many of you like electricity?  Raise your hand.  Better yet, how many of you LOVE electricity?  Raise your hand.  Electricity is the result of something happening.  Am I right?  Of course I am.  Electricity doesn’t exist in a form that just comes to our house in a way that we love.  Well, I know lightning can come into our homes—but that’s not a good way.  Am I right?  Of course I am! 

Something happened to produce that electricity in our homes and this building.  Then that electricity goes through transmission lines to our homes.  And without any effort on OUR part—we have and enjoy electricity.  Well, except when the power bill comes.  That’s all I’ll say about that!  Electricity is the result of something that happened.  Or think about your favorite cake!  It just doesn’t appear—though we probably wish they would.  It is the result of something that happened. 

Why then do we think that Peace is any different?  Peace Happens As The Result Of Something Else That Happens.  The thing that happens which generates, distributes, and impacts our lives doesn’t come from within us.

It doesn’t happen because of what ISN’T happening—chaos, confusion, wars, bickering, fighting.  Peace Happens!  And because peace isn’t the result of some predetermined conditions of certain things NOT happening—it means that the presence of those same things that say peace cannot happen—do not eliminate peace.

In Fact The Strongest Peace That We Can Experience Isn’t In The Calmness—But In The Clutter And Chaos.  It’s more powerful in the clutter and chaos because we recognize the source!  It comes through our relationship with God made possible only through Jesus Christ!

AND The Surrender Of OUR Will To HIS Will.  In other words, peace is experienced as we do exactly what God tells us to do—and THAT is found within God’s Holy Word—The Bible!  We don’t follow God’s Word in order to get peace—We Do Those Things Because There Is Peace!  Peace is the result of a heart that IS at peace—with God—others—and ourselves!  Peace Surrounds Us When We Are: 

At Peace With God.

This is where Peace begins to happen.  Until it happens here—it ain’t gonna happen anywhere else in our life!  Some folks think that to be At Peace With God is all about what we do and don’t do.  That being at peace with God is all about following The Rules.  That’s what the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ day thought.  They were wrong then—they are still wrong today.

Peace with God happens as we come to God on God’s terms.  To be at Peace With God means the thing that has taken away that Peace—has to be dealt with and taken out of us.  And we call that Sin.  And the only effective way to deal with Sin and its power over us is to bring it to the Cross, lay it down at the foot of the Cross—and leave it there.  Peace Happens When We Are At Peace With God.  Next, Peace Surrounds Us When We Are:

At Peace With Others.

It doesn’t mean that all our problems with people go away or they that they will automatically like us.  I don’t mean that others are going to be calm and peaceful.  I don’t mean that their craziness is going to disappear.  Because it won’t.  But YOUR Peace Remains.  Peace means others are not in control of your emotions, actions, and reactions.  This means that we have to remove every speck of resentment or anger we have towards another person. 

This means that we have to forgive those who have hurt us—especially when they don’t deserve it.  Being at peace with others means they no longer are in control of our feelings and emotions.  Being at peace with others means they cannot control us anymore.  Then, Peace Surrounds Us When We Are:

At Peace With Ourselves.

Only by having Peace With God—can we be at peace with ourselves.  I would dare say—and double-dog dare you to prove me wrong—that most, if not all, of the turmoil and chaos and waring, the fighting—can be traced to the fact that we are NOT at peace with ourselves.  What does it mean to be at peace with ourselves?

It means that your past is not going to define who you are right now—OR who you will become.  Being at peace with yourself means that whatever happens in life and the world—whatever happens to you—doesn’t deny us Peace!  We don’t let situations and circumstances change our new life and nature in Jesus.  Being at peace with ourselves—we don’t allow other things to define us:  how we feel—what the world tells us—others say about us. 

It Is God Who Defines Us—who is always leading us—helping us—showing us the way—equipping and empowering us—to be who HE created AND redeemed us to be.  And when those moments happen that try to take away our peace—and they will happen—there is still peace. 

And even when come short of God’s Holy Standard—when for whatever reason we make the wrong choice in life—when we forget that HE IS WITH US—there can still be Peace.  Because God will show us grace and mercy—thereby giving us the grace and mercy—to hold our life together when we can’t hold it all together.

Now, let’s get back to the passage that started all of this.  Not the verse with the word Peace—but in Verse 22:  Then He Breathed On Them.  Have you ever pondered—and pondered deeply about this statement from John?  He Breathed On Them. 

These words aren’t printed in red—but they are just as important as the red words.  Y’all know what I mean by the red words, don’t you?  The ones quoted from Jesus.  There was another moment when God breathed on someone.  His name?  Adam!  In Genesis 2:7 we read that God breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person. 

Think!  Was there any of the peace Jesus had promised them just 3 days ago?  You know, the peace that the world can’t give.  Wasn’t much, if any at all.  But when Jesus breathed on them—the peace had surrounded them.  Did they completely comprehend it?  Absolutely not!  But it was there and it surrounded them—that breath of God.

And from that moment forward—these disciples began to change.  All because Jesus breathed on them and said:  Peace Be With You!  Not IN You—Just With You.  Baseball All-Star catcher and coach Yogi Berra once said:  “No matter where you go, there you are.”  

And if you have given up everything for Jesus—not only are you there—but so is His Peace!  And since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are—Here’s Our Next Step:

Ask Jesus To Breathe On You Right Now!

When we define Peace by how we feel inside because of what’s happening out there—rather than HE who is surrounding us—then Peace will be lost.  And the more times we lose that Peace—the harder it becomes to find it again.  Now, either aloud or to yourself, pray these words:

Father, I need you to breathe on me.  I want you to breathe on me.  I receive Your breath for what it is—the Life Of Jesus—and my peace.  Amen.

Now, what I want you to do is that every time you get anxious, worried, or any other feeling that tries to take away this peace you now have—to pray this same prayer again.

what’s the big deal about christmas? part 1

(This is Part 1 of an Advent Series)

What’s The Big Deal About Christmas?  CHRISTMAS IS A BIG DEAL BECAUSE HOPE COMES TO US!  Isaiah 61:1-7 (NLT)

What’s the big deal about remembering when Jesus—Son Of God—The Second Person Of The Holy Trinity—fulfilled The Father’s Plan?  That the Creator should fully become one that HE created?  Have you ever thought about The Eternal—who was living in Eternity where there is absolutely no measurement of time—living with unlimited glory?  Well, that’s Jesus in one eternal moment.

Then, in that instant—quicker than the blink of an eye—He was no longer eternal—but became that fertilized egg in the womb of Mary.  Can you imagine being an angel in heaven when that happened?  Maybe they were in the break room, having some coffee.  Jesus is there—and one of the angels was about to ask Jesus to tell them another story, when—JESUS WASN’T THERE ANYMORE.  Can you imagine the look on their faces.  One moment they are having coffee with Jesus and the next moment—Jesus is nowhere to be seen.

THE ETERNAL—WAS BORN FULLY HUMAN—YET AT THE SAME TIME—HE IS STILL FULLY DIVINE.  DIVINE AND HUMAN IN ONE.  Jesus never lost HIS DIVINE NATURE.  I have to think on this one.  Maybe some of you are better thinkers than am.  Or maybe you have more imagination than me.  But I find it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that JESUS THE HUMAN—is at the same moment JESUS THE DIVINE.  How can THE DIVINE become THE EARTHLY?  Ever thought about that?  I have!

WOW!  Maybe you can describe this better than me—but the only way I know how to describe this is to say—THIS IS A MYSTERY!  But I accept that this is a MYSTERY because God has assured me that this is really easy for Him.  That’s the work of faith that is planted in us as we read God’s Word and we allow The Holy Spirit to be our Teacher—not our feeble attempts to teach ourselves!

God doesn’t always reveal understanding in a way WE can understand—but HE ALWAYS WILL GIVE US THE CONFIDENCE THAT GOD KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING.  For some people, just because they can’t understand it—they think that they have to find a way TO EXPLAIN THE UNEXPLAINABLE.  But folks, when it comes to the ways of God—SOME THINGS JUST CAN’T BE EXPLAINED!  In trying to explain it—we lose our awe of God!

Let’s get back to the title of our series:  WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS?  I’m going to attempt to answer this question with 4 REASONS.  FIRST, IT’S A BIG DEAL BECAUSE HOPE COMES TO US!  And today’s passage about HOPE is found in Isaiah 61:1-7 (NLT)

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me, for the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor.  He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.  He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies.   To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.  In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory.  They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago.  They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.  Foreigners will be your servants.  They will feed your flocks and plow your fields and tend your vineyards.  You will be called priests of the Lord, ministers of our God.  You will feed on the treasures of the nations and boast in their riches.  Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor.  You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

Isaiah 61:1-7 (NLT)

When you think WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS from the world’s view, here is what we find:

  • The Big Deal About Christmas From The World’s View Is Decorations.
  • The Big Deal About Christmas From The World’s View Is Parties.
  • The Big Deal About Christmas From The World’s View Is The Shopping—I Just Don’t Know Why.  I Just Know It Is!
  • The Big Deal About Christmas From The World’s View Is Sales—Black Friday Deals—Christmas Sales—Christmas Eve Sales—And That All Important One—The Day After Christmas Sales!

THE BIG DEAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS FROM THE WORLD’S VIEW IS ABOUT WHAT WE SEE WITH OUR EYES, WHAT WE HEAR WITH OUR EARS, AND WHAT WE TASTE WITH OUR APPETITES.  The result and after-effect becomes a spiritual hangover.  When the wrapping paper is all put in the garbage bags, and the presents we don’t like are put in the back of our closets—so many people are just like they were before the Christmas Season Started.

THE BIG DEAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS is that it doesn’t have to be this way when we move beyond what we HAVE been doing—and move into what God is doing.  And here’s TODAY’S BIG IDEA:  HOPE FINDS US! Many people spend their wholes lives searching for HOPE.  HOPE is what we hold onto—and what holds onto us—when:


But HOPE is not something we find—or discover—HOPE IS WHAT FINDS US!  THE HOPE OF CHRISTMAS goes back to THE WHY OF INCARNATION. 


What we need when our life is in shambles, in a mess, or when we have that nagging feeling that something just isn’t right—IS HOPE—THE HOPE THAT HAS PROVEN ITSELF OVER THE CENTURIES.  We need more than we can give ourselves.  We need more than what others can give us.

WE NEED THE SAVIOR!  We are a broken people.  We don’t like to think that we are a broken people. But because we don’t want to think we are broken, doesn’t mean we aren’t broken people—because we are.  Just because we don’t think we aren’t broken people—doesn’t mean it’s not true!  We want to think we’ve got it all together.  We want to think we can figure it all out.  We don’t.  HOPE IS ABOUT A BETTER DAY AND A BETTER LIFE.  Therefore, HOPE means we need a Savior!


We can’t buy it.  We can’t earn it.  We don’t work for it.  And we certainly do not deserve it.  It doesn’t matter how good we think we are.  It doesn’t matter how much better we are than some others.  HOPE IS GOD’S GIFT TO EACH OF US!  We can’t find HOPE—THAT’S WHY HOPE FINDS US!

God doesn’t want us living without HOPE.  And He certainly doesn’t want us living with a FALSE HOPE.  But we cannot find HOPE in ourselves—because we are going to fall.  We cannot find HOPE in our world—because the world is going to disappoint us.  God brings us the most wonderful gift of all:  THAT HE WILL FORGIVE US—AND GIVE US A NEW LIFE—A NEW HEART—AND A NEW FUTURE.  And it’s all His Gift to us.


HOPE never leaves us in despair.  HOPE never leaves us the same.  HOPE leaves us as changed people—people who are radically changed.  HOPE not only leaves us as changed people—it also shows us we can become more than we or anyone else can imagine!

I am convinced that the reason so many people have stopped dreaming big—is that they don’t have THE HOPE that it will happen.  Without HOPE we muddle through life.  We can’t see that life can become better.  BUT HOPE LEADS US FORWARD!          


And since we can’t follow Jesus and stay where we are, HERE’S OUR NEXT STEP:


The Hope I’m talking about is this:  CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY!  The Glory isn’t just heaven—it’s glory now!  Folks, we have to stop thinking that this life in grace is all about getting to heaven.  If that’s all that HOPE means to you—then you’ve missed the boat.